fEBRUARY 2025...
cornell nutrition workshops - fEB. 3,10, 24
Music with Mr. Chris - Feb. 4
100 days of school - Feb. 13
Happy VALENTINE'S day - Feb. 14
mIDWINTER Recess Feb. 17-21 - school closed
Family Coffee hour/Workshop - Feb. 27 - see invitation
Rainbow christian preschool & kindergarten
Children are precious. They need safe and caring environments where they can learn about the world, about their strengths and talents, and about how to get along with others. We opened our doors in September 1987 with a handful of children, a part-time staff, and a commitment to serving the needs of a diverse community. Since then we have grown to a year-round school, with Preschool, Pre-K For All (PKA), and an After-School program for children ages 2 to 8. Still, our original mission has remained the same: to provide parents with a safe, loving and dependable place, where their children can discover the joy of learning and of community.
rainbow christian preschool is:
- A mission of St. Jacobus Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA), an international church that has been welcoming people from all nations and of all races since 1867. For more information, visit http://www.st-jacobus.org.
- Licensed by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and contracted by the NYC Department of Education.
- When offered: Open year-round, from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., (closings follow NYCDOE school calendar.) When offered: We provide full-time and part-time programs as well as the Pre-K For All (PKA) full-day program.
- Welcoming children from all backgrounds. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of our educational, admissions, staffing, or program policies.
Rainbow Christian Preschool & Kindergarten provides a loving Christian atmosphere with a wide range of enriching and recreational activities to promote joy in learning and a positive self-image for every child.
Program philosophy
We believe that every child is unique. There is a need for safe, caring, and loving Christian schooling, and St. Jacobus Ev. Lutheran Church resolves to maintain a quality child care program. Rainbow Christian Preschool & Kindergarten is a comprehensive developmental program sponsored by St. Jacobus Ev. Lutheran Church and is conducted for church and community children. We consider the children entrusted to our care a serious responsibility and will do everything in our power to ensure their wholesome physical, social-emotional, and mental development in a Christian atmosphere.